Companies that manufacture and sell drugs have a legal obligation to make sure the products they are putting on the market are safe for consumers. When a drug is not properly designed or manufactured, or if consumers are not warned of its potential side effects, it can cause serious injuries and other complications. Drug companies are notorious for prioritizing profits over safety. However, cutting corners has implications. When a dangerous medication hurts a consumer, they can seek financial compensation for their injuries and other losses.

If you suffered adverse side effects or were injured by taking a drug, you have legal rights. A Jupiter dangerous drugs lawyer could review your case and help hold the drug company responsible for your injuries. A dangerous drug lawsuit could cover the cost of medical care, lost wages or earning potential, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and any other losses from the incident. While no amount of money can reverse the damage or pain you experienced, it can give you the means to move forward. Contact our personal injury attorneys to discuss your legal rights and remedies.

Dangerous Drugs Lawsuits

Under product liability law, pharmaceutical companies have a legal obligation to properly design, test, and market their drugs. Any product, including drugs, designed for consumer use should be reasonably safe. Drug companies and manufacturers are strictly liable for injuries a consumer suffers. When a bad drug hurts a consumer, the company is responsible when they had notice of the issue, irrespective of their intent.

There are three recognized defects in dangerous drug cases: manufacturing, design, and marketing.

Manufacturing Defect

An error occurred during the manufacturing of the drug. In these cases, the drug would have been safe if made correctly, but due to a mistake in the manufacturing process, it was not, and a consumer suffered injuries as a result.

Design Defect

The drug is inherently dangerous based on its design. Drug companies and manufacturers are responsible when there is a safer design that the company could have reasonably utilized and did not. What the company knew is an important factor in these cases.

Marketing Defects

Drug companies must warn consumers about the known dangers and side effects of a medication. Because of this, drugs come with a list of possible side effects. Nevertheless, drug companies and manufacturers are liable for marketing defects when they fail to warn a consumer about a known risk of the drug.

When one of these defects applies to your dangerous drugs case, talk to a Jupiter lawyer about pursuing damages.

Liability for Dangerous Drugs Injuries

Determining liability in a dangerous drug lawsuit can be complex because several parties could share responsibility for the design, manufacturing, and sale of pharmaceutical products. In product liability cases, the entire distribution chain is legally responsible for a consumer’s injuries. This means that when a pharmaceutical company is liable for failing to inform consumers about known side effects or other risks of taking the drug, the manufacturer can also be responsible for a consumer’s interaction with a dangerous drug when there was a manufacturing or design defect. Talk to a Jupiter attorney about determining liability in a dangerous drug case.

Hire a Jupiter Dangerous Drugs Attorney

When you are harmed by taking a drug over-the-counter or prescribed to you, you could be entitled to compensation. When you hire a Jupiter dangerous drugs lawyer to represent you, they could investigate what caused your reaction to the medication and hold drug companies responsible. Product liability suits are complex and require the expertise of a legal professional.

When pharmaceutical companies overlook rules and regulations designed to protect consumers, it has consequences. Before drugs hit the market, there must be adequate testing, labeling, and advertising. When a dangerous drug harms you or someone you love, speak to an attorney about your options.